Dec 07, 2006 09:50
dreamt of love and guiding and dance... actually... man, that was strange.
i was at the studio, and some guy was doing something for ainsley, and he wrote down the integer symbol (sort of... it was kind of wonky) and i was like wohhh dude, what? and he was like it means such that integer (...?) oh nevermind, and i was like, no dude, i'm in math, i know what that is, i'd just never seen it written like that before, and then i drew my version of integer. then he was like, which math are you in, and i said computer science, and he was like can i borrow you for a second? and ran up the stairs towards the boys changeroom. deardra was all heeey you can't go up there! and i was like, but he wants to borrow me! and she said ok, as long as he knows. (??) and so i went up the stairs, and there were so many stairs! there were like ladders and things up there, and i ended up in this huuuuuuge storage room thinger that looked like under the boathouse at doe. sort of. Anyway, so he wanted me to fix some laddery bridge thing. then i was like, why don't we ever use this place; it's HUGE!! and was wandering around in awe. there was definitely a lake to one side. then there was some woman down there, and i helped her to roll something that was very large. then we started transferring words onto newsprint and that's when my dream switched to these people finding hearts falling from the sky and falling in love and strangeness.