Page 71 [Action]

May 10, 2010 20:50

[Anyone passing by house #21 will find Vyse camping out on the front lawn. Well, it's not as elaborate as camping, but he's stocked up on some food and has made himself quite comfortable on the grass.

Vyse is a man of his word and, as a follow-up of this conversation, he is waiting outside Fina's house until Ramirez lets him in. While he's here, ( Read more... )

a happy camper, fina, it's like romeo and juliet, ramirez

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[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 15:54:19 UTC
[It's rather hard to miss his buddy just sitting out there on his neighbor's lawn like that. Okay, so Vyse is being weird, that's nothing new. But when he looks out a couple of hours later and Vyse is STILL there, it's time to go see what's going on.]

Are you waiting for someone to let you in?


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:03:09 UTC
[He looks up when Emil approaches, a helpless smile tugging at his lips.]

Something like that, yeah.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 16:11:48 UTC
Here, I can go get my journal and call for Minato...


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:19:48 UTC
No, it's fine. I'm waiting for Ramirez. [He casts a quick glance at the house, where the Silvite boy is obviously still hiding away, before looking up at Emil again.] But thanks anyway.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 16:26:41 UTC
If you're waiting, why don't you come inside my house for a little while? I could make you some tea or something.


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:30:26 UTC
I can't. I said I'd wait for him to let me see Fina right here.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 16:31:19 UTC
I don't think he'd mind if you wanted to take a break-- I mean, you have to eat sometime, right?


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:33:58 UTC
I've got some food right here. But if I run out, you can run to the store for me. The only time I take a break is to use the bathroom. [He pauses for a second, mulling things over.] Well, either that or a village-wide catastrophy, but I'm pretty hopeful that won't happen.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 16:44:44 UTC
Do you know when he's going to be back? There's no point in sitting out here if you don't even know what time he's coming back. You could come have something to eat and he would never even have to know about it.


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:47:04 UTC
[...] He's... inside the house, actually. He's looking after Fina and refuses to let anyone visit her.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 16:50:48 UTC
Huh? Why not? Is she really that sick?


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 16:55:44 UTC
[He casts another glance at the house. He hasn't seen Fina at all since her return and he's worried about her. She's got her own personal bodyguard who won't let Vyse catch even a glimpse of her.] I don't know. Ramirez might be overreacting. He's really protective of her. ... And anyway, she'll be fine. She's really strong.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 17:20:00 UTC
[He's quiet for a moment before something occurs to him.]

... do you know what that strange glow was? When we first found Fina, she was glowing with this weird light-- I'd never seen anything like it before. But it seemed like she was in pain, too...


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 17:26:02 UTC
[He runs a hand through his hair, sighing lightly. If he'd been there and seen it with his own eyes, he could've been sure, but a "weird light" could be anything.] I might know what it was. But I hope I'm wrong.


[Action] ratatosk_knight May 11 2010, 18:35:45 UTC
What do you think it was?


[Action] winged_rogue May 11 2010, 18:46:44 UTC
I'm not sure if Fina's comfortable with me telling you about it. Sorry, Emil.


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