Page 71 [Action]

May 10, 2010 20:50

[Anyone passing by house #21 will find Vyse camping out on the front lawn. Well, it's not as elaborate as camping, but he's stocked up on some food and has made himself quite comfortable on the grass.

Vyse is a man of his word and, as a follow-up of this conversation, he is waiting outside Fina's house until Ramirez lets him in. While he's here, he can keep an eye on the village in the name of the Blue Rogues too. He's worried about Fina and would love a chance to see her, but he also knows better than to get on Ramirez's bad side. He's still determined to prove they could be friends in Luceti, where the situation is different from back in Arcadia, so the first step would be to prove his worth. He will sleep on this lawn and, yes, if Ramirez hasn't caved by tomorrow he will be sitting in the rain. Being stubborn jackasses is how real men bond, clearly.

Feel free to come up and talk to him, but he's not moving from this spot unless it's an emergency.]

a happy camper, fina, it's like romeo and juliet, ramirez

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