Page 58 [written]

Aug 17, 2009 22:59

The headcount went really well. Everyone's accounted for, except Shing and Raenef. Are you guys still around? Or, in case they were taken by the Malnosso and I didn't notice, can one of their friends vouch for them?

Now, partly because Labrador suggested it and partly because Brave Vesperia's doing the same thing, I've decided to implement monthly meetings for Blue Rogues members too. That way, everyone can get to know each other and we can exchange ideas for improving the group in general. Plan strategies, discuss experiments, share stories... That sort of thing. It's great for crew mentality. The 25th of each month should be good, unless there's an emergency. We'll be having our meetings in the barracks. They're in the southeast part of town.

[Filtered to Sonic and Jr.]
As for you two, I have a mission for you guys. According to Buffy, a woman named Drusilla kidnapped two people from the village and is holding them hostage somewhere. I need a few crewmates who are quick on their feet to help me explore the mountain area. Drusilla's a vampire, meaning she can't go out into the sunlight. She's probably got the hostages stashed away in a dark cave somewhere.

Our mission is to help Buffy find out where Drusilla is keeping them. We do not attack her and stay out of sight. Vampires aren't really our expertise and we don't know what'll happen, so we leave the actual liberation to Buffy.

Sonic, you take the most northern part of the mountains. Jr., you take the southern part. I'll cover the range inbetween.

Is that clear?

[[OOC: I had to single out a few people Vyse actually knows are quick and fit for the mission, so sadly only two fit the bill. And anyway, they're not actually going to find Drusilla. The players in question have already got something planned out. This is just something to keep us busy and pretend the Blue Rogues are actually helpful.

Oh, and the meetings aren't going to be played out unless they're actually important. Then I'll create an action post for it. But until then, it's just going to be assumed.]]

blue rogue headcount, monthly meetings, an actual mission omg

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