I tried to check and see what books I would need for my classes, and since I already have what I'm fairly sure they'll be using as the Pscyh 101 book, I really shouldn't have to buy very much. I can't believe the psych statistics class doesn't want me to buy a book, so I'm assuming they just haven't told the school bookstore to order anything yet. Japanese is just the Genki text and workbook, since I already bought my dictionaries last year, and Psych of Personality looks to be only one book. Either the entire arts department doesn't use books or they haven't ordered any yet. I wouldn't be surprised either way. I was making sure I had a bunch of money put away specifically for books... it looks like I won't have to use most of it. Even if psych stat wants me to buy a book or two, and personality wants me to buy one, unless they're freakishly expensive (I wouldn't put it past them!), I'll have money leftover from what I put away.
Anyone intending to go to college who hasn't gone yet - when people tell you the books are expensive? They are not joking. When they tell you you might have to spend over a hundred dollars on one book? They are not exaggerating. I haven't seen a book for over two hundred, but my best advice is that if I class wants you to buy a book that expensive, drop it unless it's critical for your major. College is a giant scam to take your money. I mean, you learn too and it can be a lot of fun, but still a scam.
I do not have the Japanese teacher I thought I was getting! Fitzgerald-sensei and Kishi-sensei have apparently switched around so that Kishi-sensei has all the 201s and Fitzgerald-sensei has most of the 101s, with one class taught by someone named Kojima-sensei, who is likely new due to the fact that her name is written in plain text instead of being a link to her e-mail address. Kojima-sensei's first name is Yuko, and I remember that someone working in the lab where
biogant works is named Yuko, so I will ask him what her last name is when I see him online, or perhaps he will comment after reading this entry.
shoebox_project updated! I find that I barely remember what's been going on, and will likely have to reread past bits of it. This isn't actually a burden.
ETA: I was just being annoyed at the cost of books in general.
Read Zim's comment for other, better solutions than just dropping the class.