Bananas, and B-vitamins and barf - oh my!

Jan 05, 2010 08:11

Could be an interesting day ahead.  After a typical start (yawn, stretch, greet the cats, have a leisurely breakfast of tea, yoghurt and a banana), I continued with the usual pre-work routine.

Only this morning involved a quiet little barf-fest in the shower.  :-/  WTH?  No idea where that came from.  Felt fine immediately before, and immediately after.  No loss of appetite, no overall ickiness, just a bit of an upchuck, and on we go.

The human body is weird.

But I'll still use this as an excuse to have a skinny vanilla latte this morning, instead of the black tea that I was going to have.  ;)

In other news... my new routine of doing upper-body weight moves while watching TV appears to be having an affect already.  My upper arms appear to be toning up.  I'm only using 3lb weights, so it's not like I'm about to be a muscly-mess.  Toning is good!

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