Glee 2x14: My Thoughts

Feb 23, 2011 15:27

 So 2x13 was so boring that I didn't even write anything about it... There were a few funny things, like Sue joining ND, Lauren's debut solo performance, and... honestly, that's all I remember. After 11 and 12 which were both awesome, I can't really complain about one sucky episode.

Especially with how Blame it on the Alcohol turned out! :D I thought that episode was awesome. I'd been squeeing over the Blainchel kiss forever since the promos came out, and I love how they did it. The whole Rachel Berry House Party Trainwreck Extravaganza (I wonder how many takes it took Amber Riley to get that down! XD ) really lived up to my expectations. I love how Finn explained all the drunk archtypes to Rachel - Tina and Mercedes as happy drunks were so funny! And Blaine, oh, Blaine. His civvies debut! I love how they dressed him. It worked. And Kuuuuuuuurt in civvies again!!!!!!! <3

The Blainchel duet "Don't You Want Me" was also really good! I love Darren Criss's voice and it was really nice to see him sharing the spotlight with someone rather than singing a solo while all the Warblers do back-up vocals and a-capella for him *rolls eyes*

Actually, Kurt's reaction to the Blainchel kiss was kind of downplayed. I think he should have gotten jealous and freaked out a lot more. At least he went to "help" Rachel after her and Blaine's date in order to talk her out of it... I love how she rose to the challenge and said she'd take him to a bakery of his choice for a steaming-hot slice of humble pie XD I'm surprised she's even familiar with the term; she's had an entire pie coming to her ever since the Pilot XD

And yay for some Burt screentime! Seeing him in a cooking apron is almost as adorable as imagining Kurt in tire-shop overalls... mmm. Their house was different, though! Is it canon that they've moved house now that Burt and Carole got married? Because the kitchen is bigger and brighter and Kurt's bedroom is suddenly upstairs??? Either way, I loved Burt's reaction to finding Blaine in Kurt's bed XDDDD

I was sort of disappointed by him later, though, when he scolded Kurt for allowing Blaine to stay over. I was sad that he didn't trust Kurt and believe him that nothing happened... when Kurt was so obviously angsting about what happened with Blaine and Rachel. But at least it's realistic. After all, Burt can't be perfect all the time. Though we'd love him to be :)

Will's night out with Bieste was awesome! I love how they're becoming friends (even when she kissed him goodbye on the lips and said "Love you" after bringing it home, it was utterly clear that it's just platonic) and she's helping him loosen up. This episode also showed that Will's still angsting over Emma (finally, can we say UST?) and that he's reached an all-time low with drunk-dialling her. It was so predictable that he'd hit Sue's number, though XD

"Blame it on the Alcohol" kinda bored me, although the talk with Mr. Shuester after they did it was funny - Rachel flirting with him and Santana crying, lol. "Tick Tock" also bored me for some reason (but Figgins's "Ke-dollar-sighn-ha" made me LOL) and the vomit-train was kind of gross. I did like how Figgins fell for it though, and actually congratulated them on it XDDD And Will's last scene with the kids, telling them no drinking until after they win Nationals, and having them sign the pledge and giving them his cell number - very big of you. At least he's learned something from what went on.

I loved the ending, when Rachel kissed Blaine and he went *blink* *look to the side* "...huh. Yep. I'm gay. 100% gay. Thank you so much for helping me figure this out." And when Kurt came up to Rachel to say "It was awful, huh?" and she went "Are you kidding? That was amazing!" I was worried at first that she'd actually thought it was good - Rachel has that tendency to latch on - but then she hit the jackpot and said she could use this experience to write an original song - I was impressed.


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