Yup, this one about the earthquake thingy:
http://windyhurrice.livejournal.com/262793.html I apologise if I have offended people, but I won't take my word back on it. Thing is, I'm not saying that particular nation deserved it or anything, but just that I think believing in such and such can help them in some way.
Anyway, it makes me wonder, is there some kind of 'disable anonymous posts' on LJ?
I normally don't mind it, but it bugs me when I think they won't be seeing my replies. How can you understand me if you don't even look at what I say?
I mean, if you are part of my flist I'd prefer you to say it straight to me. If you don't, that means you don't consider me as a friend.
It also reminds me of when the last book of Harry Potter came out, some anonymous user managed to come and litterly spammed me with harry Potter spoilers and nonsense. It annoys me that they're laughing at the other end and me not being able to send them my thoughts.
My journal have always been open free (Except fpr those f-locked ones, does that mean my LJ is semi-locked?), am I going on the path of locking this LJ completely?
Actually, it puzzles me why some people view my journal, not friend me or friends me but they don't comment. I admit I haven't been that active these few years, it's my fault on one end but when I try to comment on other people's journals sometimes my mind goes blank since I don't know what to comment about. This is why I try to make random stuff in my journal so it doesn't just relate to one thing and you may get bored.
And why do people friend me? Unless I friended you in the first place, it truly puzzles me why people friend me, but they don't make appearances. It's like.... why do you follow me?
In fact, the very reason why I try not to completely lock my journal is so that it is a chance for those that had friended me, but I didn't friend you back (cause I dunno you) they can comment in my LJ. If we click, you're on my list, viola!
To lock or not to lock?
*sigh* I'm also thinking of kicking people off my list. The reason is because I simply cannot remember why you are here anymore. I don't feel you for being you at the other end, as much as I want to comment on your entries, I just can't seem to make things click. When I get time, I'll make a post for you to comment, if a week passes and no comments from you, then sorry.
My brother says when one gets older you'll simply forget some things because you've more new and more annoying things to be taken into mind =(
Should I lock my LJ completely?
I'll be back later.... gotta go prepare dinner...