fractured ankles

Aug 30, 2009 13:10

I have not posted for weeks although I said I was going to to try to post something every day. Well the reason is, I fell and fractured both my ankles. So, this summer has been shot. The good news is-I could not go home alone on two busted ankles, so I got to spend time with my daughter in Northern KY. I'm guessing they might have gotten tired of my being around. I could not take care of myself, cook, clean, do laundry, etc. It was like the lap of luxury-people helped me instead of the other way around.
I had physical therapy. I couldn't drive. I was totally dependent on others. I guess one could say, I survived surgery, I survived the splint, the sliding board and the wheelchair. The bedside commode and the bed as well.

I am grateful for text messaging on my new cell phone [the sound quit working on the old phone, had to use the speaker phone in order to hear anyone).
I am grateful for my friends and chosen family.
I am grateful for my lap-top.
I am grateful for low electricity bills.
I am grateful for being able to get around-someday I will be able to do that again.
I am grateful that I can teach-Dr. Goris allowed that I could do that so I wouldn't lose my job.
I am grateful that I had time to read this summer. Couldn't do much else.
I am not grateful for infections that caused set-backs for me this past week.
I am not grateful for not being able to accomplish things this summer that will now have to wait because I will soon be working two jobs again.
I am grateful for Addison Kirk, a good patient and friend.
I am grateful for beautiful weather.
I am grateful to be alive at this time, and in this place
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