Title: (And They All Came) Tumbling Down
Genre: Angst/Romance
Rating: PG to NC-17
Players: Sergei Fedorov (POV), various
Pairing: Sergei Fedorov/Nikolai Zherdev
Flight 751. Flight 751. Flight 751. 751.
"Flight 751 has crashed."
My world shattered.
Parts 1-18 (incomplete, abandoned)
Title: Brothers in Arms
Genre: Drama
Rating: PG to NC-17
Players: focuses around Jared Boll; involves or mentions a metric ton of Blue Jackets. Main pairing is Jared Boll/Kris Russell.
Summary: AU. Raised in the world of underground fighting rings from birth, Jared’s life has always been simple and controlled, focusing no further than on the outcome of his next match. This is the story of that life being completely and utterly upended.
Master List: Parts 1-27 (complete)
Title: Taken
Genre: Drama
Rating: R (violence and torture)
Players: Sergei Fedorov(POV)/Nikolai Zherdev
Summary : AU. An ex-KGB agent relies on skills he’d tried to forget in order to save his young lover, a hockey player who has been kidnapped by those who want him for themselves.
Master List: Parts 1-5 (complete)
Title: Skybird
Fandoms: Inception, White Collar
Characters: Neal, Arthur/Eames
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Arthur and Eames adopt a kid and raise that kid into Neal Caffrey.
Master List: Arcs 1-3 (complete)
Title: Into the Unknown
Authors: sheesusnat and cradle_song
Rating: NC-17
Players: Sidney Crosby/Gilbert Brule
Summary: We’re crashing into the unknown; we’re lost in this, but it feels like home.
Parts 1-4 (complete)