Mar 27, 2008 08:23
Tuesday: dropped Rothern in to be neutered in the morning, to get a call at lunch to say that the vet was unhappy as he had resp conditions... is explain hes been on baytril blah blah scarred lungs rescue etc etc I know the risks. I was then asked by this horrible forgien vet as to why I wanted him neutered (I explained behaviour etc) I was then told i might not work (which I told her i was already aware of this) and why couldn't I keep him alone.... o_0 long story short I inform her curtly this is not an option for a young rat. she then asks me the above questions 5 times until I'm blue in the face from repeating myself beofre she agrees to neuter Rothern
I call back at 4pm he hasn't been neutered.. I hit the roof I was then informed by a lovely nurse 'it was either his bollocks or his life' to which i hit the roof and demanded to speak to a proper vet who was very nice and agreed to try a course of different antibiotics for 10 days and then go from there if his resp problem is still there we would go ahead with the neuter. £5 spent on meds
Wednesday: drop in the two rescue lumpy girls to be delumped... everything goes fine and they come home the same day £82 spend on a double delump I also pick up Rothern and his pills
Come home midnight off shift and feeling very fragile after talking about road accidents look in on Cleo as her sneezing has come back recently.. her whole nose is swollen up. Panic and call the vet she said as she can breathe fine to leave it till the morning as I'd already booked an appt for her. Put Cleo and Cage into bathroom and 'steam' her to help ease the breathing
Thursday: spend morning melting choc drop to crush Rotherns pill into to try and make him take it... whether it works or not we shall see... rang vet and moved Cleos appt till 9:20am
Why do they all get ill at once!