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windscryer May 11 2012, 04:24:08 UTC
LOL I don't feel so bad then. If a sewing guru like yourself can get by without it, then- Actually that's probably horrible logic. Oh well. I have such a hard time with the notch thing that I am thinking I am going to do like I did this time and use my majick marker of disappearing ink to just draw the notches on. We'll see if it works. *feels like a dangerous rebel*

LOL I didn't even think of the cats. Oh stars. It's a good thing the klepto!kitteh is restricted to my brother's room or she'd be so dead by now. She LOVES shiny things. We have to move the fridge and retrieve the contents of my mother's jewelry box once a month or so when she manages to escape. (I'm not actually sure how she's not already dead, tbh. Elastic hairbands are one of her favorite snacks. *facepalm*)

I am thinking I will try this canned food method. *hates the pins with a fiery burning passion* Or these clips they have at the fabric store all the ladies there swear by. Literally in that one adorable grandma's case. LOL I nearly shat myself laughing when I heard her say, "I love those little bastards!"

They are having a sale on mats this weekend at my fave store! I am SO going to buy one! *twirls*

Heee! I'd be delighted if you still have it! *fails to restrain herself from trying to sew ALL the things*


tahirire May 11 2012, 04:52:45 UTC
ALWAYS THINK ABOUT THE CATS. Unless you want to be out 800 bucks. And I got %50 off because I worked there! O.o

Of course! Pm me your addy and I shall send it posthaste. Or at least by Monday. ;)


windscryer May 11 2012, 20:08:57 UTC
Ouch! That's a lotta money! Sheesh! *double-checks the door to the cat room is shut*

LOL Oh oops. I went to send you the message but clicked on your name instead and went to your journal and then I saw your Avengers flail!post and got distracted because, well, AVENGERS. *shrugs* You understand, I know.

Let's see if I can do it this time without being distracted by shinys!


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