Apr 28, 2012 22:44




Anyway. Onto the better stuff, eh?

I bought some more swag so let's start there.


General sewing bits and things. I actually bought the seam ripper and gauge and fabric pencil (the pleat pins came with the set) a few days ago, but they weren't spectacular enough for their own post. Also, my week was hella busy and I barely had time for that little bit of reward.

But. School is over now and I am finally able to get started. WOOO! \o/

Anyway, those are my paper scissors (thank you, Tahirire!) and, no, I am not in the habit of purchasing super fancy titanium non-stick-coated scissors for cutting tissue paper, but they were the only thing that wasn't for fabric (and thus expensive) or kindergarten safety scissors.

Also, they were on sale. Ditto with the titanium needles. I did buy the variety packs because Mom isn't sure what-if anything-she has on hand and I'm not sure where my projects are going to take me and, you know, sale.

This is some plain white knit I'm planning to use for a project after the aprons that hopefully ends with me having a few more of my currently most used wardrobe item on hand: half-tees. But this time in my size so they stop slipping up or down!

Mostly down, which totally defeats the purpose of them, which is to keep from flashing all and sundry my chest canyon.


This is for a project that is classified top sekrit right now. B) No worries, though. I'll take a ton of pics of the process and wow you all with my incredible ability to screw things up awesomeness when it's done. :D

Enough with the goodies. Let's see what productive things I've been up to!

This is a project also reserved mostly for after the aprons, but I have been DYING to get started so I did. :D

I've read several tutorials on using clothes you already have to create patterns and this is my attempt to do so for some flannel pyjama bottoms. Because they are hella comfortable and also hella expensive. But flannel and thread and elastic are not so much. We'll see how it all works out.

Literally, because I'll also photo-document the hell out of that process too. :D


So I'm using ⬆ this fabric to make ⬇ this apron.

Of course, that wasn't my original plan, so I didn't get the lace when I bought the fabric. And I'm a ginormous idiot, so even though I started this project with PLENTY of time to get to the fabric store, I thought I'd work first. Now it's too late and I have to stop until Monday. *sigh*

But here's what I DID get done today:

Pieces all cut out and marked! WHEE!

And, yes, I know there should not be extra fabric sticking out. Those are some adjustments I made because this pattern is for someone with a way smaller waist than mine. I measured and did the math, then did it again just to be sure, and added a few inches to the middle of the pattern because it seems like that was the best place to do so. I think it will work, but we'll see for sure when it's done, right? YAY TRYING STUFF! \o/

I also did a couple of dumb things during this part, but I learned from them so hopefully I won't do them again next time.

For instance, even though I totally read the instructions like TEN TIMES-and then stopped halfway through cutting, cursed a bunch, and tried to decide if it was worth unpinning, moving, and REpinning everything-I STILL forgot to cut out the notches that you use to line up the different parts.


There are only like three of them and I've marked them on the fabric with my magic ink so maybe it's not a total mess. I hope. We'll see I guess, right? Blargh.

This is why I started on this project, though, and not some others. I can mess this all up and not really be too put out because it's an apron, dammit. I'm not wearing this anywhere where I'm gonna care about how perfectly it's sewn.

Oh, also? PINNING WAS CREATED BY SATAN HIMSELF. Fuck, I hate that shit. There's probably a good way to do it so you aren't driven to murderous rages trying to keep everything lined up and working the pin down and back up in the fabric, but I don't know it. (If you do, please, for the love of all that is feline, SHARE WITH ME.)

My sewing book recommends getting one of the cardboard cutting mats and using regular pushpins to pin down the stuff, then using a rotary cutter (which I have... somewhere... >.>) but IDK. I feel like you'd go through those mats rally fast doing that and they're not exactly cheap. Maybe I could just get regular cardboard?

Anyway that's where I'm at. Monday I'm gonna go get me some eyelet lace and drag the sewing machine up from the basement and probably sever an artery trust me, I can find a way no matter how impossible that seems start SEWING!

ohmychuck!, ask the audience, no i don't have anything better to do., *conflicted but determined*, *twirls*, and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', *hates*, one of those days i get all: creative, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, *spazzes flails and dies*, want 2b the very best like no 1 ever was, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., escuse me have you seen my marbles?, life experience is good for you--no rly, goals i haz them, *seal clap*, *facepalm*, *bleepitybleepbleep*, the other girl who waited, \o/, pics or it didn't happen, project: make it sew!, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, all your world are belong to me, *dolphin noises*, *headdesk*, school is 4 losers (and toys'r'us kids)

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