My Serenity Prayer/DEATH TO ACTA!

Feb 09, 2012 07:51

Lord grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the broken tear ducts and seized diaphragm to keep from sobbing like a little child through it all.

And now I am doubly pissed because for the first time there is going to be a protest near enough that going would be possible and it's something I really care about and I CAN'T GO BECAUSE OF THIS DAMN BROKEN ANKLE.

(Did I post here about that? I can't remember. In case the answer is no, I broke my ankle on Monday past. Next Tuesday I find out if I need a $10k surgery [sans insurance because it hasn't kicked in yet] and until then I'm staying off of it as much as possible to keep from aggravating it. This is causing me all kinda of other problems. It sucks.)

If it was just a matter of standing or not I'd get a wheelchair and park my ass for the day, but I cannot drive myself and no one can take me. ;_;

I feel like I am being deprived an important rite of passage and it is making me grumpy and cranky and not a little weepy.

Anyway, for those of you who are NOT b0rked, this Saturday is a worldwide day of protest against ACTA, SOPA and PIPA's scary bigger brother. Support is already wavering among several EU countries but it's not dead yet. So go here and find out if there's a protest near you. If not, organize your own and let them know via Facebook so your voices can be heard, or use some of their suggestions for online protests.

Let's speak out and shut this insanity down, my fellow internetizens!

there is not enough prozac in the world, fml, internets r a huge waste of time-but fun, i fear for humanity's future. thanks., and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', *hates*, snark is my anti-drug, brb gonna cut a bitch kthxbai, is that a thing? i'm making it a thing., i choose the internetz b/c rl sux, goals i haz them, winged bears? it's the end times!, *bleepitybleepbleep*, for narnia! ... i mean... camelot!, today would be much easier if i drank, oops! i did it again, one of those days i get all: killey, school is 4 losers (and toys'r'us kids), no srsly wtf are you doing guys?, rl haz kidnapped me--halp!, *sadface*, *passes out*, some days i miss the open ocean, i use too many tags/this is one of them, no i don't have anything better to do., tgi... dammit!, i can't blame this on alcohol, our doom is at hand!, *hotch!face*, and then? i totally fainted., ;_;, brb have to go die now, i dun gone an' b0rked myself, i know where i've been, some people's kids, have a nice glass of go fuck yourself, waitwhut?, caution: raging bitch ahead, this is like so important omj, *not amused*, rattlers in my stomach, stop! hammertime., halp!, stand back--she might asplode, my pimp hand; let me show you it, let silence speak all the words i cannot, via ljapp, whine and cheese hour on the patio, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, i'm sort of freaking out, bring on the rain!, invasion of the flopping dickweasels, *cries*, i can haz explanashun?, srslywtf?, this is not my joking face, just when you think it's safe..., one of those days i get all: weepy, wtf maja are you on drugs?, ranty rant, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry, #protest, karmic puppies 4 sale, fuck you very much

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