NaNoWriMo Report/Word Count: Day 11

Nov 12, 2011 10:32

DAILY GOAL: 1667 words
CUMULATIVE GOAL: 18,337 words
DAILY COUNT: 586 words
CUMULATIVE COUNT: 30,147 words

30147 / 50000 words. 60% done!

Worst day yet. No excuse either. I had plenty of time to write before last night took the not unexpected downturn in mood, I just... didn't.

Gonna try and make it up today. We'll see if that actually happens.

goals i haz them, there is not enough prozac in the world, some days i miss the open ocean, project: nanowrimo, today would be much easier if i drank, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, meh., one of those days i get all: angsty, i can't blame this on alcohol, i know where i've been

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