Nov 12, 2011 10:45

I just realized that the alignment of my journal has changed. My user icon no longer causes an indent in my entries, it's just all aligned down from that space.

I have no idea what's caused this or why and, frankly, my give a damn's busted at the moment.


I might even decide I like it. Either way, I'll worry about it next... indeterminate period of time.

remind me to kill you later, in other news i hate lj sometimes, i'm going to kill lj, i can haz explanashun?, did i mention i hate lj?, there are evils in your cheerios!!! =o, some days i miss the open ocean, i have an attack impala. your move., one of those days i get all: apathetic, and by 'evil' i mean 'stupid', meh., no srsly wtf are you doing guys?

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