DAILY GOAL: 1667 words
CUMULATIVE GOAL: 13,336 words
DAILY COUNT: 2801 words
CUMULATIVE COUNT: 25,023 words
25023 / 50000 words. 50% done!
Okay, I obviously need to either not write until I'm dead on the keyboard or resign myself to this report coming the next morning.
Anyway, yesterday was another meh day. I had all these grand plans to pass the halfway mark by like, nine a.m. and then work on my anon prompt fill, but as of like ten-thirty last night I was short 47 words to my goal and barely conscious.
I did crank out those 47 words and another 23 to boot, but it was a near thing and I don't honestly remember walking to my bed after that.
Also, planning is not my forte. -_-;
I enjoyed my delicious Noodles & Co reward yesterday and thought to bring my computer so I could do MORE writing while I was nomming the noodles, but then I got there and discovered that I hadn't synced my laptop with my desktop and thus didn't have all my updated notes and things.
I tried writing anyway and got through my Caesar side salad with nary a word typed on the screen.
So I chucked that idea, switched to my anon fill-which I hadn't written on in like two days, since which time I had indeed synced things so it was all updated-like-so I wrote for that instead. Which is good. I don't want to abandon that project either and leave my readers hanging over a void crying out for more.
But still. After the previous days' writing in the 4K+ word range, barely cracking 2K feels like not giving a shit.
I know, I know: Writing anything at all is good and I'm doing better than most people overall, word-count-wise but... I feel like I have to hold myself to a higher standard.
Because I can-and regularly do-crank out 5-10K bits of writing in a day, only aiming for 1700 isn't good enough. That's like an Olympic-level marathoner going for a ten-minute jog around his neighborhood and calling it practice for the day. Okay, yeah, he still got out there, but... Seriously? At least do a 10K, man, before you start calling it practice.
Bah. Anyway.
The point is, I feel like yesterday sucked, writing-wise, and I am going to try and do better today.