NaNoWriMo Report/Word Count: Day 7

Nov 08, 2011 07:52

DAILY GOAL: 1667 words
CUMULATIVE GOAL: 11,669 words
DAILY COUNT: 4701 words
CUMULATIVE COUNT: 22,222 words

22222 / 50000 words. 44% done!

Didn't forget last night. Was too tired. Made goal at almost eleven to get an even five thou for the day. Almost fell asleep halfway through with only 800 words of 1300. Rallied and got another two hundred, but didn't quite make goal.

Oh well.

I did get a lot of research and some needed timeline plotting done, though. And I did meet my first overall writing goal of 18,500 words. Woot! \o/ That earned me a meal at Noodles & Co, which I didn't collect on yesterday because the first snowfall hit last night and driving unnecessarily on Utah roads would have been suicidal. I'll go today.

The... I don't even know if it's good or bad news.


The interesting news about me reaching that goal is this: It's not just an arbitrary number. That was supposed to be the point at which I'd completed Act I of my mapped out plot structure. It is SO not the end of Act I. By the end of Act I Mike is supposed to have faced down like six supernatural things and Harvey is supposed to have defeated each one handily.

Mike has faced... one. Harvey hasn't even finished his research.


Yeah. This is going to be a lot longer story than I expected. >.>

Which isn't bad, I'm just hoping I can keep the momentum up when NaNo ends. I think I can now, but I just don't know. We'll see, I guess.

Anyway, my goal for today is to pass the halfway mark and then put it aside to get some writing done on other stories.


shiiiiiiny!, internets r a huge waste of time-but fun, rattlers in my stomach, stop! hammertime., *twirls*, we are so happy we do the dance of joy!, goals i haz them, this is why i write, zomj!!!!!, one of those days i get all: sleepy, \o/, writing is harder than it looks, i'm sort of freaking out, william tell i am not, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, making words my bitches since 1982, math is the native language of hell, i can haz explanashun?, project: nanowrimo, i did it for the lulz, notquitethinkythoughts, *conflicted but determined*, no i don't have anything better to do., just when you think it's safe..., i can't blame this on alcohol, candycanes and lollipops for all! \o/, *win*, goaaaaaaaal!, *seal clap*, killed ded by the awesome, *dolphin noises*

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