*throws confetti*

Sep 24, 2010 21:57


And oddly happy. Well, for Supernatural. I'm... not quite sure what to do with that. But I'll take it since I was totally expecting Ben and Lisa to DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH (like, for realz, not in Djinn-vision).

And I'm not going to think about the fact that it could still happen. BECAUSE IN MY WORLD IT WILL NOT. *fierce glare* X(

Anyway, I'm so happy they didn't die that I changed my mood theme to celebrate! \o/

But some of them don't look right because the foxes I had before only had like four options and I usually put in my own descriptor. And I'm too lazy to go fix ALL of my mood theme thingies. So I did the front page and called it good. Maybe I'll fix the others later. Maybe.

And now I need to call a certain studio and let them know I was just kidding about that anonymous tip I called in regarding what would happen if I wasn't happy with the premiere... :D


*cries*, shiiiiiiny!, team: la, spn: 6.01 exile on main street, after action review, notquitethinkythoughts, *twirls*, i can't blame this on alcohol, *runs screaming into a wall face first*, *spazzes flails and dies*, fandom: supernatural, *dies laughing*, candycanes and lollipops for all! \o/, my pimp hand; let me show you it, wtf maja are you on drugs?, and then? i totally fainted., in other news i hate lj sometimes, *win*, tv, caution: hot construction workers ahead, zomj!!!!!, warnings: spoilers, \o/, i'm sort of freaking out, *dances*, reasons i belong in a nuthouse, episode: review, *vindicated*, killed ded by the awesome

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