Have You Forgotten?

Sep 12, 2010 01:46

There are lots of accounts of what happened nine years ago yesterday in New York. This is just one of them, probably very much like so many others ( Read more... )

this is why i write, *cries*, 9-11, i will always be a united states sailor, fair winds and following seas, in memoriam, ;_;, proud to be an american, one of those days i get all: weepy, i know where i've been

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a_phoenixdragon September 12 2010, 08:41:58 UTC
*hugs you tight*

Thank you for this, honey...


heartlessbytchh September 13 2010, 04:56:00 UTC
I cannot bear to read the stuff about 911 or April 19th. I was supposed to be in the Murrah bldg on April 19th bright and early that morning right in the part where the windows were where McVeigh parked the truck but I overslept. I was pregnant with my DD and my DS was only 1 1/2 yo. we would've all died ( ... )


a_phoenixdragon September 13 2010, 07:09:05 UTC
Oh sweetheart...

*Holds you close*


windscryer September 13 2010, 18:11:10 UTC
I had signed my contract for the Navy just over a month before this happened. I spent the rest of that week with a ready bag waiting by the door and no concrete plans because my recruiter told me I could be called up at any moment to go to New York and help with the recovery/clean up efforts. I didn't end up going, but when I arrived at Boot Camp a month later, it gave my training a very different perspective, as well as my entire Navy career.

I am sorry I upset you, honey. That was not my intention. *hugs*

But thank you for being honest with me. :)


heartlessbytchh September 13 2010, 18:23:23 UTC
Oh Windy, NEVER apologize for upsetting me over something like this. It's my monkey, I have to deal with it. It's good that other people remember it too. Maybe it'll help prevent it reoccurring someday and more lives lost. If anything, maybe I was out of line for saying anything at all.

And thank you for serving in our Military.I hope the Navy has treated you well.

And as far as me being honest, always. I Have to. It's an issue with me. Dishonesty is a form of disrespect. And that's my other big issue.


windscryer September 13 2010, 18:06:07 UTC
You're welcome! *hugs back*


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