Or, how I learned to stop worrying and love math. :D
Okay, hate it less. Love is a very strong word.
And not at all appropriate here.
skysalla has been tutoring me in my college algebra class and because my brain is dumb, I need creative mnemonics to help me remember things in math.
Thus, SPN Math was born.
Here follows the rules and mnemonics we've divined. They are mostly algebraic/pre-calculus concepts, but there are some general tidbits-negative signs and fractions, for example.
I'll add to this post as new ones are created/found.
- The YED is a Hole and John is a Vertical Asymptote. They cannot coexist. When they occur in the same place, the Hole will get rid of the Asymptote to keep him from interfering in his grand evol plans.
- Sammy's Death is a Zero's Multiplicity. The first time it happened (odds) Dean went to the crossroads to bring him back (cross). The second time it happened (evens) it took the touch of an angel to bring him back (touch).
- The Impala is the denominator of a fraction, the boys are the numerator. You can take the boys out of the Impala (0 in the numerator), but if you take away the Impala (0 in the denominator) Dean's head will asplode. Negative/positive numbers in the denominator represent the cleanliness of the Impala. Both are fine as long as it's STILL THERE.
- Negative signs are the boys' guns. DO NOT JUST TAKE THEM AWAY OR PEOPLE DIE. And don't take them from Sam and give them to Dean. He can-and will-kick your ass for stealing his gun, armed or not.
- Sam and Dean are square roots. They can stand next to each other, but you cannot just add them together. That gives you Wincest. XP
- Dean sprawls flat all over the bed (horizontal, x-axis) and lays claim to his domain while cursing Sam who just keeps reaching higher (vertical, y-axis) and holding Dean's shit out of his range. The fucker.
- When in doubt, call Bobby (use your calculator). He knows everything. But be prepared. Sometimes he thinks your question is dumb and he'll just call you an idjit and hang up on you (error).
- Also, don't call and yell, "YOUR MOM!" and expect anything but for him to call you an idjit and hang up on you.
Don't ask.
(Okay, FINE. Make sure you properly enter your equation.)
- Logarithmic functions are the episode Yellow Fever: Logbx = y where (log) is the wall of the logging-mill, (b) is Sam-who is tiny compared to the Giant Ghost of Doom (x)-and (y) is Dean hiding in the Impala because he's infected with Ghost Sickness.
- Don't let Shawn give Dean courageous juice. He will try to take on the big scary ghost-and, because he is Dean and therefore AWESOME, he will win (just replacing the x with the y). Normally this is good, but in this case it's not because it's way less funny and it cuts the episode short-this will piss off the fandom and you KNOW what happens when fandom gets pissed off. Nobody wants that.
- When converting logs to exponential form, Sam runs outside to the Impala and Dean climbs up on his shoulders to escape the Big Scary Ghost, giving you x = by.
- Evaluating logs means you have to find out where Dean went, because he ran outside but he's not in the Impala. Sometimes you can call Sam or track the GPS on Dean's phone (figure it out on your own just by looking at it). Sometimes you have to call Bobby (use your calculator if a natural log or common log). Sometimes you have to drag out John's journal and call every freaking hunter listed (use your calculator to plug in random numbers until you find the right one). And sometimes you're in the wrong season and he's in Hell and you won't be able to find him (undefined).
You'll know it's the last one if everyone's phones go to voicemail (can't figure it out) except Bobby who calls you an idjit and hangs up on you (error). - When your summoning ritual doesn't work (answer is wrong) don't keep trying to correct it by adding more herbs and drawing more sigils (fixing the problem as written). Properly dispose of any mixtures and wipe the surface clean (erase everything and start over). You're not going to summon anything with a bad spell-and if you do it's NOT going to be the low-level demon or beastie you wanted (*headdesk**headdesk**headdesk*IHATEMATH!!!1!11!1*haz concussion*)
- Sammy is a base and his demon blood is the log. You cannot divide the demon blood out of Sammy to get rid of it. No matter how much he may want you to. :(
More will be posted as they are created. :D
*makes sticky*