Nov 10, 2009 07:41

So, some changes are being made around here, because I realized my old layout was

1. dark and gloomy and that no longer pleased me, and

2. badly laid out. When going to your own LJ causes you to wince, it's time to change.

So far, things are changing nicely and I'm happy with it.

Except for the colors. -_-;

But since I don't really DO colors outside of prettehs (and some of those give me downright HIVES over choosing) I'm calling in my color expert.

Who lives in Australia. Soooo, that will happen later.

Otherwise, any suggestions for things that look dumb? Any compliments for things that don't?

Or should I just go make more icons and stop asking dumb questions? :D

EDIT: Mmkay, so changes are made. Maybe one or two in the works still. But yeah. This is it for now.

Whee! \o/

caution: hot construction workers ahead, ask the audience

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