My icon is not for myself, but for Eric. YOU SNEAKY LITTLE *censored for the little ears among us*

Nov 05, 2009 21:24

So I have nothing terribly epic to say about the latest episode of SPN, 4.08 Changing Channels, but I do have some thoughts that just need to get out.

First: The Trickster as Gabriel the Archangel.

I knew there was something more going on when he went from just fucking with the boys heads in Tall Tales to actually having a srs discussion with Sam about accepting fate in Mystery Spot.

Still, this was SO not what I expected. Not at all.

Considering what show I'm talking about, I don't know why this surprises me as much as it does.  Which isn't much, but still. Shouldn't I be over actually trying to figure out what's going to happen?

Also, I'm slightly disappointed because I really, really liked him as the Trickster.

However--and oh man is this one helluva however--I'm going to completely ignore the lesson I should have learned about anticipating what's coming and say that I think that this twist could be a very good one indeed.

Because even though everything we thought we knew about the Trickster is pretty much null and void, I think he still has the potential to be something vaguely resembling an ally.

As much as anyone who is not Bobby and Cas and Ellen and Ash and Hendricksen and so on and so forth and blah blah blah, LOTS OF DEAD PEOPLE, OKAY? can be.

But that could totally be my wishful thinking wanting one of my favorite character to NOT join the ranks of the Flying Douchebags Squad.

But, other than usual epically depressing ending I've come to associate with mytharc episodes that attempt humor, I loved this!

Jensen and Jared and Richard and Misha acted the hell out of it--as usual, NO surprise there--and the rest of the cast and crew all pulled together to make it as wonderful and LOL fun as it could be right up until someone lost an eye.

The in-jokes, the meta, the out-jokes, the FRACKING SEXY AS HELL COSTUMING--


Sorry. Where was I?

Oh. Right.

It was FABULOUS and even if the ending leaves me a worried messy ball of emotions--angst and hope being the two most prevalent--everything BEFORE that was just what I've come to love about SPN bringing the funny.

Oh who am I kidding? I love the angsty-painful-confusing ending just as much--though for very different reasons.

And now, I go to make Dolphageddon buttons. Because the world needs to know about the REAL threat to life as we know it. *nodnod*

notquitethinkythoughts, spn: 4.08 changing channels, tv, fandom: supernatural, *iz confused*

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