Yep, Linux downloads still going and going and going :P
darph_bobo managed to get yum to provide the list of updates in a form so that we could use a high-speed connection to get them, but now yum is insisting on downloading the latest and greatest patch manifest. Of course, it's borked. It'll download the file (eventually) but then complain that the checksums are bad, so then restart the whole process again from another mirror. Here's a hint, if it's a mirror then it's going to be the *same*! *sigh* Over a week and still no updates.
On the other hand, I've lined up a few more projects to play with once I do get updated. Need to install and configure Thunderbird so I can move my email over and also play with wine (that's short for Windows Emulator ;) Why? Well, I've got some more cool games I'd like to play and not have to keep booting to windows. Yeah, I do lots of games at home :)