Whoever though this was a good idea....

Oct 09, 2006 17:45

...should have them applied to various parts of their body and only given a crappy set of pliers to remove them.

I'm talking about cable ties. Whoever invented them should be shot or hung using one. Whoever thought it was a good idea to stick 3-5 under *every* desk in my department needs to be drawn and quartered using them. *grumble* *grumble* Said idiot cable tied *every* computer cable possible to the underside of the desk, leaving *no* slack at all. So should your poor overworked IT person need to replace a keyboard, mouse, or whole system, you CAN'T GET THE FSCKING CABLES OUT!! It took me a good half hour to remove 4 so I could replace the keyboard, mouse and lengthen the Palm cradle cable to it would reach the new system unit.

And I'm filthy now due to our oh-so-clean floors (not). And people wonder why I'm grumpy.


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