And it's not even because I adore Sam more than Dean. It's because Show has finally presented me with my favouritest scenario in the history of ever.
Sam's gonna be King of the Demons. Sam's gotta realize his "dream" of being King of the Demons to save Dean! God, I'm stoked!
And Bobby was so damn hot as usual. "I'm not some ditchable prom date!"
Sammy's emo is brilliant. Poor Sammy.
Good finale. Very good finale. Until Hell was the Spiderman opening credits. That was weird.
I can't wait for Sammy to be Demon King, I can't, I can't, I can't! Kripke, I will worship the ground you walk on if he has yellow eyes. I would lick your damn trainers if he has yellow eyes.
(I miss the YED. :-( )