Takizawa Kabuki is finally showing in Singapore!!!! Saw the news this morning.
Which means... KitaMitsuuuuuuuuuu ❤
I'm going to watch it both days this weekend (Sat & Sun). Aahhhh I can't wait!!!
Can't wait to see Mitsu!
It's weird that I've been dreaming about Mitsu a lot these days, I guess the tension's slipping in even into my subconsciousness ^^;
I believe the show will be great.
I'm not sure if it's going to override Koichi's Endless Shock, I mean, Endless Shock has been going on for 15 years and it's really great. Even I want to watch it the third time this September. This Takizawa Kabuki seems to incorporate more Japanese culture than Shock does. After all, Shock's main stage is broadway, I think. Seeing the caps from the news, with Takki dressed up in white Kabuki face, probably this will be a new kind of performance I've never seen before.
Aaahhh I can't wait!
Tomorrow is the last working day in this week before flying to Singapore on Friday. This is one of the highlight I've been anticipating since the beginning of 2015 ^^
I will surely write about this!