May 09, 2009 18:34
So, you guys. I am about to become a Mac user!
My old HP is 3 years old now and the hinge is breaking and it's slowing and HP transferred all their tech support to India, and I am so over it. And I don't like Vista, don't have time for to learn Linux, and don't want to wait for "Windows 7" or whatever the Vista upgrade is going to be.
I always figured when I upgraded again I'd go Mac, because wow are THEY SEXY. And the DVD drive is a internalized slot so you can't break it like I did my old one. Macs can talk to other Macs through the AIR! No hard hookups required! ("It's like COMPUTER TANTRIC SEX!", as I once exclaimed to a Mac-friend).
A patient of my mom's is an IT guy, and he and I were talking about Macs one day and he let me in on the secret of buying Macs refurbished for cheaper. In refurbished non-Pro non-Air Macbooks, I had two choices. After a little wibbling I went with the extra 200 bucks for an extra 100 GB of HD and extra 0.4 GHz of RAM and lightup keyboard (Lights up! DUDE! Byebye squinting at the keyboard in the dark!).
As an aside: fastest answer to a tech question ever--I chatted with an Apple tech *while shopping* and discovered that I can turn the feature off if I want to watch movies, and it AUTOMATICALLY RESPONDS TO THE AMOUNT OF AMBIENT LIGHT IN THE ROOM. Both very cool; added bonus for ease-of-tech-support.
In addition I got an Incase hardshell, because the truth is I had a neoprene sleve for my laptop and I never. frelling. used it. My hope is if the case is attached, I will use it.
After tax this came in at about 1400, which, I don't have a car or a baby or rent for the past several months, it will be OK. ::rationalizes::
The spending of money triggered me to go pay my credit card bill. When I did, there was a red notice at the top of the page warning me of "recent possibly fraudulent activity" and asking me to call.
The statement was fine, so I call them, right? I got to talk to a very nice woman named Sharon who said "we put a block on your account because a 1400 charge popped up". ME: "Like five minutes ago?" HER: "Yes." ME: "Wow, y'all are good. That was me. I meant to do that. But thank you for watching out for me". HER: "That's our job, ma'am."
Dude. Go Citicard go.