May 21, 2007 13:58
... and still no period. T___T *rubs lower back* I want it to coooooome. Concert is this weeeeeekend. If it doesn't come IT HAS TO STAY AWAY UNTIL NEXT MONDAY GODDAMMIT.
Anyway, my lunch is cooking at the moment (tater tots!), and once my parents come home, I we're gonna go grocery shopping. I need to buy body wash and food and tampons and Midol and ice cream. You know, the neccessities.
On Saturday I went out (shoe) shopping with Aoi-chan again. Yes, our brave search for proper footwear continued, and we both returned triumphant. Or she did, and I finally bought a pair because I was pissed at not being able to find ANYTHING. Her shoes makes her about an inch taller than me. *jealousy* >_>;; I get about two inches from mine. Still, we had fun and bought other accessory-type things (I got a new pair of armwarmers and a hipbag). I like shopping. ♥
I still need to do another load of laundry here (yes, it is mild chores day), since all my jeans have somehow ended up dirty. XP I usually rotate them so I don't run out, but eh, I was lazy and now I have to catch up.
Oh, and one of my cousins is getting married in June. D: He's in the Philippines and it's just gonna be a civil ceremony for now, with a big church wedding next year. Hahaha... she's 5 months along, which is the reason for the rush. Oh those wacky Filipinos and their shotgun weddings. But one of my other cousins teased me that next time will be mine. DDDDD: No way! Though, it does seem like it's been going by age. First was Emerson, and now Edsel, I would be the next oldest of our group, followed by Karen, Melody, and Russel. I'll just Karen that I'll let her switch places with me. XD
Bleh, and it's kinda overcast/smoggy today. Ick. Good thing I'm staying (mostly) home today.
jrock revolution,
shopping is my therapy,