Fic: Brought to You by...
Author: Angela_StJoan aka Blaire023
Rating: R - eventually
Pairing: SV/SPN - Chloe/Winchesters - General
Disclaimer: We all know I don’t own the characters. If I did…the possibilities would be endless.
Spoilers: Up until current U.S. eps for both
A/N: Okay. My kiddo (huge fan of SPN and Dean) challenged me to do an alphabet series. So I’m going to be working on these instead of the drabbles for the time being. I figure I’ll post one every Monday-ish. That way I can get a little break from the Savior story line and have some fun with these characters.
Summary: Chloe meets the Winchesters...over and over and over...I have to admit that the premise for the ABC series is based on
chleansmile's fanvid which can be found
here! (
Letter B: Bad Asses in Bondage )