Fic: Savior 10/23 - PG13 - Chloe/Dean

May 04, 2012 14:34

Fic: Savior
Author: Angela_StJoan aka Blaire023
Rating: PG13
Pairing: SV/SPN - Chloe/Dean
Disclaimer: We all know I don’t own the characters. If I did…the possibilities would be endless.
Spoilers: SV - None/SPN - Season 4
A/N: I know this has been done before (HUGE fan of Crossing Kansas) but I’ve had this done for a while now - about 10 out of 23 chapters are already typed up and being edited and decided that I would go ahead and post it. Please leave FB, I love it just as much as the next person.
Summary: Castiel believes Chloe can save Dean from himself. But can she really?

( 10. Saved )

rating: pg-13, chlean, fanfiction, chloe/dean, fic

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