musebysentence 16. (Full prompts set)

Sep 14, 2009 11:50

1. Game

Dean had once envied people to whom life could be a game, then resented them, then pitied them - but by now, they were just people, and saving as many of them as they could was the only thing that made any sense to him sometimes, anymore.

2. Conceal

Everybody got to see Dean's game face, all the time - maybe glimpses of the one concealed showed up for moments with some people, here and there, but only one person knew it consistently, and right now, that hurt worse than hell.

3. News

In case either of them forgot about the mess they'd started that was going on, they only needed to turn on the news.

4. Lie

Bravado, bluster, smart words, loud words, holding on to his own, keeping optimistic, staying on the offensive - all was a damn lie, and the despair twisting Dean's guts was so absolute for the first time that he had no idea how to deal with it.

5. Hard

Dean wasn't sure hearing which was harder - Bobby telling Sam he didn't want to know him after it was done, or Bobby telling Sam he wasn't ever going to cut him off.

6. Brother

The one person he'd always trusted, the one person that his whole life, as long as he could remember, he'd lived to protect, he'd died to protect, had let him down in ways Dean just couldn't put words to, and the fact that he was still his brother, and he still loved him, made the whole thing that much harder.

7. STFU (Acronym)

He didn't need Sam to apologize for starting the Apocalypse - that they had done together and with plenty of angelic help - but the 'sorry' about what hurt wasn't coming, and it wouldn't undo the fact anyway.

8. BBS (Acronym)

"Be back soon, need to clear my head," is what he says, but, really, there's nothing to clear, since his head is already empty of anything useful.

9. Great Expectations (Movie title)

"You're only a human, Dean, and not much of a one," are words that cut, and he doesn't know why, because he'd thought he hadn't believed all those great expectations about him icing Lucifer anyway.

10. It Happened One Night (Movie title)

It hurt worse than hell, and he knew, beyond doubt, that just as it had happened one night downstairs, it would happen again - he'd make a shitty choice, and they'd all be worse off because of it, and he still had no idea how on earth to stop himself from hurtling towards it.

voice: ic, verse: canon, type: rant, comm: musebysentence

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