Sep 16, 2011 22:18
It's that time of year again. Wincon is Thursday, October 13 - Sunday, October 16, 2011 this year, and as always we strive to match those dates, as the point of this community is to be the convention for the fans who can't attend Wincon in-person.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to organize and participate in this year's events. I will be attending Creation's Supernatural Toronto convention October 7-9, and my family is also in Ontario so I will be visiting them and have spotty-at-best internet access until October 18th (and most likely only through my Android phone). So I am looking for someone to volunteer to take over the responsibilities of this community. I can help plan and code and host images, but the overlap with my family-time just won't let me do the whole shebang.
If you are interested in taking over this community, please let me know. Comments are screened, so you can also leave me your email address so I can email you passwords/coding/whatever if you decide to help out. If no one volunteers to take the ball and run with it, I will close the comm on October 6th. Even if you are not able to/want to take over, please help spread the word. I love this community - and this fandom! - and I really want someone to make it successful again this year, and hopefully throughout the run of the show.
admin posts,
con updates