Closing Remarks

Oct 17, 2010 17:25

Another year, another win_non_con. This is the smallest turnout that we've had, so I honestly don't know if this is something that we can continue in its current form. I have really enjoyed being a part of this community from the beginning, and I really want to see it continue until the run of Supernatural is over, so I am open to suggestions on how to change it to make it more successful.

Friday we had livewatches of the new episode, Weekend at Bobby's. I think it was a fabulous episode, don't you?

Friday we also opened up

There is still my terrible drawing of a scene from Hookman in there that no one guessed. (I never made ANY promises about my MSPaint skillz, yo.)

Saturday we launched

This was a lot of fun, and we got more participation in this the longer it went on.
We do have a winner to announce for this one...
the Bullwinchester-Lytton Worsr First Line for win_non_con goes to caffienekitty for this masterpiece of badfic:
As Dean lay on the pavement he consoled himself with the thought that Sam had a new family with Samuel Campbell and the cousins and would be alright even though they were so obviously evil, so he died with a clear heart, went to Heaven and got liquored up with Ash and Pam, developed a complex three-way open sexual relationship that worked out fantastically even though they were dead and technically didn't have bodies to smear with Nutella and he never thought about Sammy again for the rest of his endless afterlife.
Isn't that terrible? Amazing!

Saturday night we also rewatched Monster Movie, one I really enjoy, especially at this time of year. ;)

Today we had fun over at

Some great ideas in there! Check them out if you get a chance, there are some great screencaps too.

I have not had any response to the virtual prom, so it will be cancelled for tonight.

Anyway, that pretty much wraps this up. I want to thank everyone who participated in this little weekend activity, especially ysbail, who made the graphics, and my partner in crime this weekend, caffienekitty, without whom we would never have been able to run so many activities.

Thanks for playing along!

caption this, worst first lines, admin posts, guess the scene, con updates

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