Worst First Lines Competition - ROUND #1 voting and ROUND #2

Oct 16, 2010 14:18

Welcome to ROUND TWO of the Bullwinchester-Lytton Worst First Lines Competition!
Leave your entries as comments to this post. And don't forget to hit up our poll for voting on round one!

Some rules about the voting:
- Most entries don't fit all in one text box for the poll, so they are in multiple entries. PLEASE ONLY CLICK ON THE FIRST TICKY BOX FOR EACH ENTRY YOU ARE VOTING ON. You can only vote for a particular line once.
- I did indeed give you the power of the ticky boxes. Vote for as many as you like - I know I can't limit myself to one.

Submissions and voting are open until 7:30 PM EST/4:30 PM PST.

Poll Bullwinchester-Lytton Round One

Also, to clarify, these lines should be your own creations. Come up with the worst first sentences you can - run-on, gross, eye-gougingly terrible gems should be shared freely! :)

worst first lines

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