Name: Anthony J. Crowley
Age: About 6000 so far. Immortal.
Height: No idea, but going with somewhere in the neighborhood of 6' tall.
Weight: Also no idea. Fit and trim.
Eyes: Yellow, with slitted pupils. Hidden by dark sunglasses.
Hair: Dark. Stylish.
Cheekbones: High and perfectly molded.
Physical Traits: Demon! Well, looks pretty normal, aside
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EDUCATION! Uhh I'd tell you to ping me on IRC but I am about to go to bed (...i have been about to go to bed for three hours oh god) so I'll just. yes.
The thing about Discworld is a) the first books are really old now and b) the first say ~15 books organise really neatly into mini-sequences, they don't start to blend properly till the second half of the series.
So, if you go to your library you might find one big fat black book labelled The Death Trilogy/Sequence/Something which will be Mort, Reaper Man and uhhh I think Soul Music I'm not sure. Or you can just get those individually lol. And the same for the Witches and the Guard. Wikipedia I think has them sorted into sequences and in the right order so that might help. When i started reading DW I went into the library and saw all these big fat books with weird knobbly people on the covers and just went WHAAAT WHERE DO I START WHAT'S GOING ON admittedly I was eight but still :P it can be a bit intimidating.
For my canon the Death books are all you really need, so those three I mentioned and onwards towards Hogfather and Thief of Time. I might have missed one but wiki will tell you :P
But basically the three best starting points are the books that start the sequences, so Mort, Guards! Guards! or Esk, because you don't need any backstory for any of those. Alternately you could just read in the order written (which is... also on wikipedia) in which case you will be starting with Rincewind the Terribly Inept Wizard and a LOT of D'n'D/LOTR/Dragonflight parody with Colour of Magic and Light Fantastic. [/deluge]
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