Jul 13, 2009 09:05
Name: Anthony J. Crowley
Age: About 6000 so far. Immortal.
Height: No idea, but going with somewhere in the neighborhood of 6' tall.
Weight: Also no idea. Fit and trim.
Eyes: Yellow, with slitted pupils. Hidden by dark sunglasses.
Hair: Dark. Stylish.
Cheekbones: High and perfectly molded.
Physical Traits: Demon! Well, looks pretty normal, aside from the shades. Always dresses impeccably. See cheekbones, above.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him: Pretty much anything.
Abilities: There's kind of a limited omniscience thing going on in Good Omens, which is never really spelled out clearly (Crowley seems to know people's desires). He also brought a dead dove back to life and can will things to happen, or to bring them into existence (for example: the Bentley runs on an empty tank, his electronics are never plugged in, and cheap wine can be willed into something much more palatable). Also has impressive driving skills.
Notes for the Psychics: Demon! Was the Original Serpent in the Original Garden. Harbors a very deep, very secret affection for the human race that he will deny vehemently.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Let's talk about it.
Hugging/Kissing/Other non-violent physical contact: ... Again, let's talk about it!
Maim/Murder/Death: Immortal! (Heavenly beings could probably do some real damage, but why would they want to? ♥ )
Cooking: ...So very no.
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