I don't know if it's bloating or what not, but the last few days, THREE PAIRS OF MY JEANS HAVE GOTTEN TIGHT.
Weight gain FTW, y'all.
Of course, I'm too scared to actually weigh myself (like a logical person), because I honestly haven't gained anything in like six months and I don't want to burst this bubble anytime soon.
Of course, I still avoid the camera like it's an evil thing, because I'm fairly sure I still look like a washed out druggie... and why can't my weight gain hit my face and not other areas first? Hmmmm?
Oh, and btw, I think since few people have weighed into the discussion, majority rules says my
100 Things will be about parenting, but I will switch it up a bit, some serious, some not so serious, so cute, some... with me as bad mummy of all time (and there'll be plenty of those, I'm sure! And, y'know, PHOTOS omg, the mummy paparazzi will never quit.