I've been running around in my PJs - washing dishes, doing laundry, washing diapers, vacuuming...
...and then checked my email, and saw a nudge from Tara. And I felt that nudge.
So. HI EVERYONE! How are HELL are you? I've missed you all more than you know. I wish there was a way to catch up, even a little bit.
Oooh. Maybe there isI'll tell
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So good to see you post!!! I hope everyone in your family is all right???
Hmmm... what have I done in the last few months??
* I graduated. Now with diploma. Wheeee!!
* I've been writing quite a bit of fic, too!!
Miss you, sweets. Sorry I've been so out of touch. I promise to do better.
Miss you too, but you're a busy mom. We all know that, sweets!!! ♥
I'm busy in crazy ways. Let's email soon and I'll tell you some gossip.
I can only imagine :D I'll email you soon!!! *hugs*
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