What's UP?

Sep 30, 2007 11:02

I've been running around in my PJs - washing dishes, doing laundry, washing diapers, vacuuming...

...and then checked my email, and saw a nudge from Tara. And I felt that nudge.

So. HI EVERYONE! How are HELL are you? I've missed you all more than you know. I wish there was a way to catch up, even a little bit.

Oooh. Maybe there is.

I'll tell y'all one thing that I've done in the last few months - and if you feel like commenting with one or two or ten things that you've done, go for it!

For me...

I made cheddar cheese. Don't ask me how it came out, though. I won't know for 4-6 months. But it looks very cool, all waxed up and shiny.

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