Thank you!

May 02, 2007 10:50

I just flipped on my computer to many, many thoughtful emails. Thank you for your warm birthday wishes.

I'm sorry if I've caused concern. I really didn't mean to abandon LJ. I just got swept up in my new life (working-mom-of-two) and trying to figure out how to balance it all.

Life is wonderful, peaceful, frenetic and absolutely non-stop. Phineas is HUGE. Ethan is HUGE-ER. And my boobs...well. Don't get me started.

I miss you all. I promise to try to write and read and catch-up more often. That's my plan for this summer.

In the meantime, THANK YOU for not giving up on me.

Big brother and little brother.

Bumming around while I garden.

Phineas answering the phone when I just couldn't make it there in time.

I have no comment.

Snuggle time.

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