I apologize for not replying to your warm wishes re:
Phineas' birth. It's actually been a tough week for Master Phineas - a few surprising apnea spells (when he stops breathing and his heart-rate drops), bad jaundice, lots of spitting up and bowel distention, and no interest in nursing/bottling (so he's being fed through a tube). So I've been sitting by his incubator, begging him to behave, begging him to get a little bigger and stronger. As of now, he's lost a little bit of weight, but nothing concerning. I've been pumping every three hours which the nurses feed him along with a "breast milk fortifier" for his iron and bones, but he's decided he's allergic to it, and has been spitting and crying every time they mix it in, so for the last 12 hours they've left it out.
It's tough. And looking into his incubator reminds me of looking at Ethan six years ago, which is a trigger for lots of tears. I know he's going to be fine, but I just wish it didn't have to be this way. He doesn't deserve it.
I will update my journal with new pictures soon. He's so unbelievably beautiful, it's breath-taking.
Thank you all again for your support and sweet words. I truly appreciate it.