Meet the newest member of our family...

Jan 04, 2007 23:37


On January 3, 2007 at 6:31PM, Phineas Asher burst into the world, pink, crying, and breathing all by himself. He was born at 33 weeks and 5 days (4 weeks beyond Ethan's due date) during a full moon. He is 4 lbs, 3 oz and measures 18 inches in length. He's feisty, sweet, very aware and has no problem stating how he feels (he's already screeched at me when trying to nurse and not getting the amount he wanted). In other words, he's perfect. He does not require the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit) but rather a lesser intensive "continuing care" nursery until he grows a little bigger and learns how to suck and swallow without exhausting himself. My guess is that, if all goes well, he'll be home in 2-3 weeks.

It's amazing to not be on bed rest anymore, to not be in the hospital anymore, to not worry about his birth date anymore, to finally meet this little boy who has kept us in suspense since the middle of November when he decided to drop head-down into my pelvis and scare the crap out of all of us. But instead he hung in, waited longer than any of us expected and forced me to eat more than my share of hospital food until he deemed it time to introduce himself. At which point, I was suddenly and quite unexpectedly thrown into a mind-blowing 30 minute labor before he pushed his way into the world, faster than the doctors expected (who had just gotten me settled in Labor and Delivery and left when my cervix changed from 6-10 cm in 5 minutes flat, who were forced to run back into my room and catch Phineas - aka: the "the bullet" - before any of us had a chance to catch our breath), fast enough that Adriaan missed the entire thing. He was still on the road when Phineas was born and it only took him 34 minutes to get to the hospital.

So, without further ado... here are a few photos of Phineas (aka: the bullet), Ethan (aka: Ninja Superhero Big Brother) and family.

Love you all!


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