Writing Update (AKA, I miss everybody!)

Oct 04, 2011 14:51

Hey, kids! Work has been KICKING MY ASS lately, which is why I haven't posted this week. Also, I'm heading out of town on Thursday for a four-day in-laws family reunion (pray for me), which will also cut into my writing time.

I do have two chapters in the hopper that I was hoping to finish this week, but alas, 'twas not to be. Trust me when I say I'm seriously bummed out this. I get extremely bitchy when I don't have time to torture Noah...er, write fic. >:-<

Anyway, ya'll have been so patient with me that I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you! And I do hope to get back to writing as soon as possible.


P.S. For those extremely patient readers, I haven't forgotten about Crossover or The Gay Avengers. Now that I've finally finished The Promised Land, I'm hoping I can pick them up again. along with Hazard Pay and Angels Lie, of course.
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