(no subject)

Apr 19, 2011 21:31

Sunday night was a bit of a 'BAWW! I GOTTA DO MY JOB' when not just 2, but TWENTY people came in at 10:08 (we officially close at 10:10) wanting popcorn, nachos, and everything else under the sun. Then for the next hour, I had them all trickle out, one by one, wanting refills and wanting to buy more things.
Nope. Sorry, can't do it. I have no register.
...I'm not being mean, I have no register. I am physically incapable of ringing you up.

Tonight was very WTF-y. I had three people try to get an Icee for cheaper or in the big soda cups.
I don't see these as zorros, more like asserting myself and letting them know I am NOT going to be walked over nor bend the rules.

Guy: How much to get an Icee in the big cup?
Me: That'll cost me my job.

Guy #2: Can I pay for an Icee in that huge cup?
Me: Sure, and then you'll be paying for my kids.

Guy #3 sat there for 10 freaking minutes arguing with me and trying to finesse his way into a bigger/cheaper Icee.


And here was the biggest WTF of the night.
Girl comes in playing her PSP. For some reason, I just KNEW it was Kingdom Hearts. Maybe it was the purple headphones, I dunno. lol
Anyway, I ask what the game was, she said Kingdom Hearts: BbS. I laughed and said 'I knew it and I'll bet you watch anime too'. She said she was just getting into it and so we started talking a bit about what she watches. Her dad, BTW, the whole time was making smart ass comments about his daughter's taste in TV and video games.
Anyway, she says she watches Black Butler and Hetalia because it's non violent; this is relevant for later on. I mention that if she's just getting into anime, go watch FMA. Her dad butts in saying, 'Is it violent? It better not be. *deathglaredeathglare*'
'Well, yes it sortta is...'
'I knew it, you looked like the violent type.'
...wha? I do? When did this happen?

Well, they walk away and about 2 hours pass and as they are walking out past a gay couple who were waiting to go into the movies, the dad says something to his daughter about how he thinks that they are disgusting and gays are a sin.
And yet you let your daughter watch Black Butler, otherwise known as Yaoi Butler, and Hetalia? Wow. Have fun with that.

I blame the full moon. >:C
I'm sorry, but how the fuck is the first one not a suck? Sure I had to serve them at 10:08, but the fact that they were getting PISSED OFF at me for not having a register was most definitely a suck. The Icee wank, sure, fine, I was rude, I will fucking admit that.

But honestly? I wasn't 'judging' anyone. It was a total fucking random guess that she was playing KH. She came up, I saw the PSP, and thought to myself, 'I wonder if she's playing KH.' That's all I was thinking. Nothing more. It wasn't a 'She looks like...blahblahblah' it was a 'I wonder...' I just thought it was funny I guessed it on the nose.

The dad on the other hand, apparently had a predisposed notion about me 'being violent' from the get-go and I was even going to ask what his definition of "how violent is too violent" before he cut me off. He seemed like the overbearing, judgmental closeted type anyway, you know, the kind that pickets soldiers funerals? Yeah, that kind. Fuck him, if he's going to be an asshole, so am I. *internet tough guy here* And the homosexual thing? Holyfuckballs. I lost it. You'll let your daughter watch two of the most gayest animes out there - one that is quite notorious for it's absolutely crude and racial jokes - but IRL, gays are teh evils? Have fun with that.
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