Trying this again because my first try seemed a bit 'BAWWW! I gotta do my job' and I was going through way too many edits.
SO! We had a midnight showing of Scream 4. All of 18 people showed up. Ugh. THANKFULLY they bought things. *mini cheer*
But, I wouldn't be posting here if shit didn't go down...
I was supposed to be out of there at 12:30. I got out at 12:53. WHY?! Because not one, not two, but 4 people decided that their nachos were stale. The nachos I just made no more than 30 min ago. And guess what? WE HAD TO THROW AWAY 4 TRAYS WORTH OF NACHOS AND CHEESE DUE TO YOUR OVERLY PICKY ASS! I HAD TO STAY AN EXTRA 20 MIN SO I COULD RESTOCK AND BECAUSE OF THAT, I GOT BITCHED OUT BY MY MANAGER, which is a managers_suck, BUT STILL! RAWRRAEGFFFFUUUFUFUFUFUFUFUUFUB&W!
Ok, rant and rage over, here's the full story:
Let me state that there were some nachos in the case that were made previous to me being there.
There was a big group of people who ordered, all separately, and they all had about a 5 min span in between each order. One person came back after I had served only one other person, and she said that they were stale.
They MIGHT have been, I wasn't making note of what tray I grabbed and I was not aware of how long those nachos had been in there; I am giving her the benefit of the doubt.
She got her money back. Then after the whole group had ordered their nachos, they all came back, one by one, to complain that their nachos were stale, which makes no sense. After the first woman complained, I made a point to grab ones I had personally made no longer than 30 minutes previous to make sure that no one came back and complained that they were stale. And no, the stock wasn't stale. I checked. Even my other manager agreed with me, the stock from the trays I made was not stale.
I'm guessing it was the power of suggestion. Just hearing that they might be stale probably sent everyone into over-analyze mode. Even if all the chips were stale, all that cheese was wasted. That stuff is pretty expensive. I was so damned happy to have made MAJOR sales for a shitty midnight showing, and now I have all those refunds on my record...I haz raeg.
TL;DR - We sell many nachos. Yea!
My icon = MFW they all came back. Srsly.