Jan 08, 2006 15:00
The Democratic National Committee is still asking me for money. Here's what I wrote them today:
Dear DNC,
Once again I've received a mailing from you (enclosed), asking for money. I figure it's about time I explained why I am not joining the DNC.
The primary reason is that I am a liberal, and the Democratic Party does not represent me or my views. It has not done so in years. The DNC has spent its time and energy fighting for centrist positions and the so-called "swing voters," and not much time fighting for liberal policies. Maybe you think that the liberals will automatically support the Democrats, just because you're better than the Republicans. You are wrong. I'm not supporting you just because you are the less conservative party. I want representation. You do not provide that.
Here are some things I would like to see happen:
• Universal health care.
• Comprehensive election reform, including a full public financing option for candidates, and full access for all citizens.
• Withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
• Foreign policy that emphasizes engagement and cooperation with all nations.
• Economic policies that balance short-term and long-term needs.
• Investment in education and renewable energy.
• Laws that force large corporations to pay their share of taxes, and to contribute to the greater good of the country.
I see some of these points in your agenda on your website, but I don't see them discussed in your emails, and I don't hear Democrat leaders pushing these positions. I essentially hear two things from most Democrats. One, the Republicans are evil and must be stopped. Two, we must elect Democrats. So, let me be very clear: I'm not excited about electing officials whose leadership is chiefly focused on beating the other guys.
I do see hope in Gov. Dean's leadership since he became Chair of the DNC. He seems to be pushing the party in a grassroots direction, developing local party chapters based on the views and interests of their local constituents. That is a great start. Now, I want to see that actually translate into policies and election campaigns. I want to see the DNC actively support candidates who stake out liberal positions. I want to see Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid push bills and make speeches about things other than Republicans.
Fundamentally, this is about trust. I don't trust the Democrats to work hard for the long-term good of the country. If the Democrats regain power in Washington, DC, I don't trust them to do any more with that power than to try to retain it. That is not enough. You have to earn my trust, by showing that you will really represent me. Take a stand for some liberal values. If you do, maybe I'll join and send you some money. If you don't, then you're not my party.