The Pleasure is All Mine (& Yours, I Hope)

Jan 08, 2011 18:52

Like hikari_adams, I too got away with doing well in elementary & secondary education with minimal work.

But unfortunately, college isn't like that- there aren't necessarily homework or quizzes or extra credit to boost your grade; everything depends on how well you do on your exams because those are the highest percentage of points. Passing- yes, passing isn't that difficult as long as you complete all exercises with a modicum of effort.

But just passing isn't good enough, is it? Grades matter- they are weighted, with numbers, & everyone gets compared. In high school, you need good grades, extracurriculars, & volunteer opportunities to get into a good college. You need all of that in college to get into a good grad/med/law/vocational school/job- so it really matters in college. No more bluffing or putting aces up your sleeves-

It's the big leagues, &, taking a line from Fergie & other paragons of wisdom,  big girls/boys don't cry.

I'm a Biology major (with a certificate/minor in Criminal Justice) on a Pre-med track, but I have... alternate plans if that doesn't work out. I have a basic grasp of the sciences (uh, physics is a stretch, but I still have a general idea), English (mostly grammar & flow of writing), Asian American history, & Spanish. I'll edit this list as things go on. Also, I am just as good at looking up tidbits of information, so if you have a question, I'd be happy to look up the answer if no one else has it.

This spring semester, I'm taking Intro to Psychology, Intro to Organic Chemistry, 19th&20th Century Russian Lit, Criminal Justice in America, & Russia: An Interdisciplinary Studies. Hopefully I shall be much more knowledgable on those topics after this semester! I'm also volunteering at a local hospital/clinic.

It's a total of 18 credits, which is the maximum allowed at my university. Yes, I'm aware I'm crazy to do that on top of adding hospital volunteering on top of it. But I'm honestly passionate at my classes &... okay, call me crazy, but I like learning things. The credit amount is high, not because I'm going for the credit load, but because of the classes I'm interested in.

My hobbies include writing, reading, baking, dancing into the kitchen whenever I feel like tasting something in particular, making sushi & gyoza, talking, debating/discussing (different from just talking, beeteedubs!), sleeping, & learning as much as I can about random topics that make have no significance in daily life. Besides working on writing a novel (if I can stay focused, haha!), I want to get a basic grasp on Greek, Italian, French, & Chinese, though those are of a much lower priority than school.

That being said, I'm really excited to begin this semester & be tired from studying for all of this.


#modspeak, #mod: pandastacia

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