Back at work as of Wendsday, which ironically means I'll have more time for LJ, since I sit at a desk on a computer all day. I feel shitty about it, but I'm actually really glad to be back at work. I love my girls, and I do miss them when I'm here, but I am SO not a SAHM. I know I have quite a few on my FL, and seriously, you ladies deserve far more credit than I previoisly thought. It was one thing to do it with a newborn and the occasional day with a toddler, but to do it with a toddler and a newborn? There were days I would hear Maddy start to wake up on the monitor and I would think, "I can't do this today. I'm just not ready." It wasn't even exhaustion. I mean, yes, I was tired, especially when Mo was still nursing 2-3 times a night, but it was more the mental capacity to handle Maddy. The tantrums, the whining, trying to find something to do with her besides tv when I needed to be able to nurse Moira all the time and as the weather got colder, which means going outside became on ordeal. We made banana bread once, and yesterday we made a cake. She loves helping with stuff like that, and I love showing her, so that was great. :)
Moira is seriously the easiest baby ever. Maddy nursed for hours and hours on end for pretty much the first 12 weeks and took at least an hour to eat one feeding; Mo is done in 15 minutes. I swear, if we went out to dinner when Maddy was a baby and she happened to wake up, I knew I was going to have to feed her, there was no question about it. Mo, OTOH, will just look around at the lights and coo and kick and out herself to sleep. Maddy couldn't put herself to sleep without nursing until she was around 20 months. I would not consider Maddy to be high needs at all, but she was definitely needier than Moira. If I could gaurentee that all of my babies would be this lovely, I would have 10 more babies. :)
And now, some pictures, since I know you haven't seen any.