Sep 17, 2019 03:28
Hello. This is Mizu's financé. I just finally found her LJ password so I could post this.
On June 2nd, 2019 at 5:27pm Mizu passed away.
She had a heart attack on May 31st just shortly after 5:00pm. She fell in the bathtub and hit her head on the wall. She was rushed to the hospital by ambulance as sooo as they were able to get her free of the tub. She coded twice in transit.
Due to the situation with getting her from the tub they didn't get all the info from they should have so she was (against her stated wishes in her Advanced Directive) put on a ventilator.
On June 1st she was transferred to Washington Regional in Fayetteville, Arkansas and put on an EEG monitor.
I was forced to sit and watch her EEG slowly flatline while tried to verify I did in fact her her power of attorney and what her advanced directive said. It was not until Early afternoon on June 2nd they finally got the information. After signing the paperwork confirming I wanted her removed from the ventilator as her AD made it quite clear she wouldn't want to be kept alive on it they came and disconnected her.
She took her last breath 39 seconds after it was turned off.
I really wish I could have informed all of you of the situation sooner, but without her password and not knowing which email account she was using it took me a bit of time to get in here.
If you wish to contact me, you can do so at joeyteel AT joeyteel DOT com